Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Where does the life go?

There is life in all of us.

It is the basic principle that applies to those who populate this planet, and as i may imagine the universe.

Life is what most describe as the ability of an organism to be. The active chemical reactions and the manifestation is what makes organisms be alive. However life is by my own opinion an entirely different fenomena. It is the very thing that drives us.

To be alive is to see truly extraordinary things arround you. It is when you can feel your heartbeat, the air you breath... and can really understand what it is all about. When you clearly see what do you want to do, where do you want to go and whom do you want to meet.
When all makes perfect sense.

This life is all around us. We are at the same time the creators and destructors of it. We are capable of doing extraordinary things when generating it. We also spread it around us with a very high magnitude. And it stays there for a good amount of time after we leave. It is our spot that we leave behind us.

Our footprint on the universe.

But what happens when it's gone?

People tend to loose this energy, their life force, very quickly. And regaining it can be a hard thing to do. Because when you're drained of life, you can see nothing that surrounds you. Everything is gray for you. Time passes so quick, like a year was just one day. And i am not saying it was full of events.It is the absense of this very events that can summarise a whole year into less than several minutes worth of rememberring.

You can breath, you can walk, you can even smile, but you can't really have a good time. Something feels wrong.


How can you refill? How can you reprogram yourself into the creator again, leaving behind the destructor...

Everyone is a creator.

This world we live in - we all create it as it is. Our ancestors created it before us, and now we continue to create it by our way of thinking. Make no mistake thinking is what gives shape to our world. Action is mearly the visible result of thinking. In fact the major part of the world as we know it was created solely by thought, with no visible physical manifestation of action.

Our world is the intersection of the multitude of every creatures own world, for we all live in the worlds we create for ourselves. This worlds are simillar but slightly different, and that's what makes the common world a possibility and a paradox at the same time.

Do you believe in parralel universes? Well gues what, they are all here, a footstep away, surrounding you, your own universe. Developing on their own terms and laws. Some are created by many, and some just have one sole creator. I believe what we reffer as to "the creator" is our very idea of our common thoughts, the things that make this world. We say God made us in his very image, well guess what... every child can say that very thing about his parrents.

We are not gods. We are creators. We create life. We shape it. Some of us loose it. But the overal image remains as "the world we live in".

Now you may think you're small and can't make a difference... think again. You have created an entire universe. What makes you think you can do less? You do!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cand inima si mintea au scopuri diferite.

Poti sa treci muntele pe sus, mergand pe creasta, in zapada, alegind drumul mai frumos, ignorand precautiile si vantul puternic ce iti bate in fata. Poti sa il urmezi cu orbie, pentru ca esti in al noualea cer al fericirii.
Dar in moment ce ai ales acest drum, trebuie sa fii gata de cadere, in cel mai neasteptat moment. Cu cat mai sus te urci, cu atit mai lunga si puternica este caderea. Si crede-ma, esti cel mai fericit om, daca atunci cand cazi, te prinde miina unui prieten.
Frumusetea e periculoasa.

Aici nu mai stiu daca este bine sau rau ca te faci mai puternic, pentru ca intr-o oarecare masura iti inchizi inima, o limitezi constient, pentru a nu mai simti niciodata gama larga de sentimente.
Aceasta cadere este ca un accelerator, te impinge sa gandesti atit de rapid si sa actionezi, incat nu mai tii minte cum ai ajuns sa faci ceea ce faci.
Si doar muntele care ne-a dat jos este unicul care poate sa ne intoarca abilitatea de a fi din nou noi in plina masura.
Dar de ce ar face-o?...

Ce este mai puternic: obiectul in starea sa initiala sau acelasi obiect refacut din mii de bucati.

Nu esti infrint atunci cind singeri
sau cind in lacrimi ochii ti-s,
adevaratele infringeri
sint renuntarile la VIS...